In 2023, I worked as a creative director for the overhaul of our website. We had recently changed our secondary colors and wanted a new website that incorporated those colors along with a modern look and feel. To achieve that, I collaborated with our digital team and an agency to provide creative direction for the new website. Once the agency created the wireframes, we developed the site internally. I was responsible for creating all the graphics, diagrams, and icons throughout the site, and I selected specific stock photography based on our brand guidelines.


In 2022, when we launched our "Control Complexity" campaign, we realized that we needed a better way to showcase not just the various "seasons" of the campaign but also all of the digital media that Axonius had created. So, taking inspiration from streaming platforms like HBO Max and Netflix, I designed a central resource center to house all of Axonius' digital media. I worked closely with the digital team to create Axonius+, directing the design and creative aspects of the project.

Editorial Styling